
JustDeepIt application is written in Python. The stable releases of JustDeepIt have been tested on the following OS under Python 3.8 and 3.9 environments:

  • Ubuntu 20.04

  • Debian 11.4

  • macOS 12.3 (Intel / M2)

The source code and built package of JustDeepIt are available through GitHub (biunit/JustDeepIt) and Python Package Index (PyPI: JustDeepIt), respectively. Users can install JustDeepIt into a platform directly by using source code or PyPI package.

Installation via PyPI

JustDeepIt requires one of MMDetection or Detectron2 to build object detection model. Thus, before the installation of JustDeepIt, we recommend installing MMDetection and Detectron2 (and also PyTorch) first with the recommended procedures depending on CUDA version. The following is an example of installing PyTorch, MMDetection, and Detectron2 under a CUDA 11.3 environment.

pip install --upgrade pip

# PyTorch
pip install torch==1.11.0 torchvision --extra-index-url

# MMDetection
pip install mmcv-full
git clone mmdetection
pip install -r ./mmdetection/requirements/build.txt
pip install ./mmdetection

# Detectron2
pip install 'git+'
git clone detectron2
pip install ./detectron2

Then, install the latest stable version of JustDeepIt from PyPI with pip command.

pip install justdeepit

Installation via source code

To install JustDeepIt from source, first install PyTroch, MMDetection, and Detectron2 following the above description, and then run the following commands to download and install JustDeepIt with its dependencies.

git clone JustDeepIt
cd JustDeepIt

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .